

Switching fiber optic cables from round to rectangular shown to enhance data speeds

This news article ( highlights Hank's recent publication in Advanced Photonics Research, exploring the advantages of rectilinear core fibers in optical communication.

Research Minute video as part of the Communicating Ideas Workshop

We recorded a research minute video as part of the Communicating Ideas Workshop organized by the VPR's office. It was a new and exciting experience to hear about research from faculty across the university as well as panelists from the media. Lots of takeaways about how to effectively engage the public in our research activities!

Ravi awaded a DEPSCoR Research Collaboration grant

UI covered this award in a new article (

CAREER award highlighted in UI news

Friday, April 5, 2024
Linear cluster

Ravi awarded NSF CAREER grant

The funding will support us in exploring novel material and device-level modeling approaches, coupled with precise experimental characterizations, to mitigate noise in qubits and establish the feasibility of practical photonic quantum interconnects.
Early Career Scholars 2022

Ravi awarded OVPR Early Career Scholars Award

This Seeding Excellence Initiative of the UI OVPR office aims to helps tenure-track assistant professors to develop a competitive proposal to seek external funding. It is our pleasure to be a part of such a diverse and dynamic group of early-career scholars from across the University selected for this award. In this project, we aim to harness the power of quantum physics to improve the sensitivity of spectroscopic measurements.
Aden FURF 2022

Aden wins Poster Prize

Thursday, November 3, 2022
Aden Hageman wins the poster prize at the Fall Undergraduate Research Festival for his poster title "Telecom-band single-photon sources" in which he discusses our new research on quantum dots emitting at telecom wavelengths (~1400 - 1500 nm) that could enable long-distance quantum communication. This work is being carried out in collaboration with Prof. John Prineas and Prof. Craig Pryor in our department.

Poster presentations at Fall Undergraduate Research Festival

Thursday, November 3, 2022
Aden Hageman and Joseph Schopen presented posters at the Fall Undergraduate Research Festival discussing the summer projects that they carried out in our group as part of the UI Quantum Technology Summer School.