Quantum simulation (QSim) can enable efficient discovery of drugs, biocompatible fertilizers, and high-temperature superconductors, all key priorities as identified by the United Nations. Such simulations are not possible even with the largest supercomputers due to the limits of conventional computation, but quantum computers would be capable of solving these problems.
This proposal aims to solve the convergent problem of constructing a practical QSim leveraging unique expertise at UI by creating a team of physicists, chemists, engineers, and mathematicians to concurrently tackle the fundamental as well as technical challenges. Our research will jumpstart the creation of the first elements of QSim by bringing together a transdisciplinary team across two colleges, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and College of Engineering, with the long-term goal of placing UI on the map as a leader in quantum science research and development.
PI: Ravitej Uppu (Physics and Astronomy, CLAS)
Co-PIs: Aditi Bhattacherjee (Chemistry, CLAS), Thomas Folland (Physics and Astronomy, CLAS), Joe Gomes (Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Engineering), Xueyu Zhu (Mathematics, CLAS).
Collaborators: John Prineas (Physics & Astronomy, CLAS), James Shepherd (Chemistry, CLAS), Fatima Toor (Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering).